Hoy, una pizquita.


Otro poquitín, y sin ruido.



Un poquitín


Cita con las estrellas

cartel astronomiaSi sois aficionados a la astronomía (y si todavía no lo sois, es un buen momento para empezar), tenéis una cita el próximo día 17 de octubre en el atrio de San Isidro a las 21:30 h. donde se realizará una observación del cielo con telescopio. Además de las constelaciones, tendremos una buena visión de la Luna, al faltarle pocos días para estar en cuarto creciente y, con algo de suerte, del planeta Saturno.

Esta observación está organizada por el Grupo de Observadores Astronómicos de Ávila, que también nos proponen otra cita para el día 23, con la conferencia “Un paseo por el Universo”, a cargo de D. José Luís Gil. Será a las 20:00 h. en el Episcopio.

Quién sabe, quizá os pique el gusanillo y os atreváis a ver el día 29 la ocultación de Aldebarán por la Luna.

Desde Canadá (II)


School is very different than Spanish school.
I start school at 8:43 and I finish at 3:05. I have 5 classes every day and there are two semesters. We have 4 subjects every semester. The classes are 1 hour and 3 minutes, I have 4 minutes between class and class and I have a break for 8 minutes and lunch is 47 minutes.
The school is very small but all classes have got a digital board and a speaker to listen to the teacher. Also the gym is very good and the school has got a soccer field of grass.
My subjects are four this semester and H.A.C.E, (Tutoría) PE, Religion, and it is the first time in my life I have religion. English with Ethan’s uncle but all people call him Hitler, and Math.
I like all teachers, they are great and funny but you can’t talk in class, but you can listen to music and use your mobile phone.
The courses are different. Here there are grades 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12.
Grade 8 is like second year of ESO.
Grade 9 is like third year oVíctor 5f ESO.
Grade 10 is like fourth year of ESO.
Grade 11 is like first year of Bachillerato.
Grade 12 is like second year of Bachillerato.
Here they start the high school one year later than Spanish people.
Here grades 11 and 12 are obligatory, and the goals of all people are to go to a good university.
Also there are sports after school, I have soccer 3 days a week after school but there is volleyball for girls too.

We have lockers and we can’t wear sport clothes in class. We have to change before PE. It is incredible!!!



I start the routine. All days are the same. I get up at quarter past seven. I have a shower and I have breakfast, a glass of milk with cereal. Always we leave home at 8:10, because the high school is like 25 minutes driving.
The classes are very long, 1 hour and 3 minutes, but they are great because you can use your phone to listen to music, find words on internet. The classes start at 8:43 and finish at 3:05, we only have 4 subjects and 5 hours every day, so we have 6 hours and 18 minutes of every subject. It is a long time. I love having lockers, on Monday you leave in your locker your books, the trousers and t-shirt to do PE, and other things and on Friday before the weekend, you catch your things. It is very different than Spain, if you arrive late to class, you have to go to the office to have a signature, if you get 5 signatures the secretary will call your house and your parents have to go to the school. At lunchtime you only can leave the school if you rate in grade 11 and 12, like first and second of bachillerato. I am not sure but the school costs a lot of money, the facilities are really good and the gym is spectacular After school I have got different activities for example, Mondays, Wednesday and Friday there is cross country running. On Thursday we have got Spanish class with our exchange. It is so funny.
In PE now we are playing baseball, with gloves and a hard bat, for me it was the first time. I had never played before, but I like it, it is entertaining.
Other days I have soccer but I can’t play the matches because I am not here one year, the other weekend the soccer team was in Kamloops. It is a city two hours driving, they were in a hotel, and they were playing five matches, I wish I could play matches. 

After school and after activities sometimes I go to see Ethan’s hockey team, and other days I go home to go for a run or we go to the hot tub, because now the pool is closed Also sometimes we go to watch a film in the room cinema. 


FP Básica y Ciclo de Grado Superior de Guía, Información y Asistencia Turística

Los grupos de FP Básica también están con nosotros.



Y los alumnos del Ciclo de Grado Superior de Guía, Información y Asistencia Turística, también.


Desde Canadá

Este curso tenemos la suerte de poder participar en el “Programa de intercambio escolar con centros de regiones de Canadá”. Víctor Carranza, alumno de 4ºA de la ESO de nuestro instituto, se encuentra en Kelowna, una ciudad al suroeste de Canadá, donde está pasando dos meses con Ethan y su familia. En este blog compartirá con nosotros parte de su experiencia. El próximo trimestre será Ethan quien visite Ávila y nuestro centro.

Pimera entrega.


I got up early, well I didn’t sleep that night, I was very nervous for the journey. My family and I had to go to Segovia. I had to be in Segovia to catch the bus at 8:30, with Pueyo, a friend. He was waiting for the bus too. Here is where my trip started.
The journey was very long, 25 hours Madrid – Kelowna. I thought the people going to Kelowna would be housebound, and I thought the girls would be ugly. But they weren’t.
All the boys are great; they do a lot of sport and study too. And the girls are pretty and do a lot of sport too. It is incredible. I was wrong.
(I am writing this in the English class, because it is very boring).
During the journey I made a lot of friends. The plane was very big, the seats were not good, but we had a TV in front of each seat with movies and games.
The first flight was 8 hours and a half (Madrid – Toronto).
The second flight was 5 hours and a half (Toronto – Vancouver).
We arrived in Vancouver so late, and Air Canada gave us a free night in the Airport Hotel.
We arrived in Kelowna the next day after the third flight (Vancouver – Kelowna), only 30 minutes.
And the same day we were at the Inmaculata High School, and we met our families.
My family is great.
Ethan is one year older than me, and he is sporty and friendly. He is like my brother.
Coralie is Ethan’s Mom; she is great, pretty, funny and is like my mother in Canada.
Kevin is Ethan’s father, he is very funny and very strong, he is like my father
Lauren is Ethan’s sister, she is pretty and she is two years younger than me. She is like my sister.
Definitely they are like my family in Canada.
I love Kelowna, it is very beautiful and the weather is great. All here is like in the movies and like GTA, too.

Last weekend we were in Shuswap Lake, it is a beautiful place. We were at his grandparents’ house, in the same lake. Their house is nice and small, but I like it. I was doing water skiing, kayaking, I drove the boat, we jumped with a rope onto the lake, we saw a bear, we were eating marshmellows around the fire  … It was great, all here is great.
And Ethan’s house is the most beautiful and nice house that I have ever seen. It is very big, and they have a hot tub, a pool, ping pong, a CINEMA! It is fantastic.

Here are some photos and a video.





Primer día

Ya estamos casi todos.


Reunión del Equipo Directivo y la Orientadora con los alumnos de 1º de la ESO y sus familias.

Deseamos que vuestra llegada al instituto sea fácil.  Hoy habéis conocido al Director, a los Jefes de Estudios y a la Orientadora. Mañana os esperan más compañeros y más profesores. Tranquilos, todo va a ir bien.


Horas antes

El instituto ya está preparado para recibir a los nuevos alumnos.


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